Dear Kianna,

How can I be a confident pro-lifer in today’s world?

— Respect for Life

Dear Respect,

Your question is so central to the mission of the Catholic Church, and yet can be so difficult to live out in our daily lives because of the deep pushback from a society that doesn’t always defend the gift of life in all its forms and stages.

One of the best ways to live our pro-life values is to know why we are fighting for our beliefs. Having conviction allows us to be confident and unafraid in the face of opposition.

Standing up for life, from conception to natural death, is the duty of every Christian, as every life is sacred and filled with the gift of God’s presence. Every life can make a difference in our world.

I know this from the experience of my mother. A few years ago, she wrote a personal reflection about the dignity of life. Here are some of her words:

“I know an unmarried lady who became pregnant at a young age and decided not to have an abortion, but instead, to give the baby up for adoption. She knew she was unable to care for the child herself and wanted the child to have a mother and a father. She didn’t want the baby at that time in her life.” “That baby was me,” my mother wrote.

My mom was 26 when she met her birth mother. She sought her out “because I wanted to thank her for letting me live and for not deciding to end my life just because it wasn’t convenient for her, or for any reason,” my mother wrote. “That’s OK that she didn’t want me or wasn’t able to care for me, but someone out there did want me and was able to care for me, as I was adopted by a couple who were unable to conceive.”

If my mother had been aborted, I would not be writing this column today. I am so thankful to God, as my biological grandmother’s choice to protect my mom’s life extends beyond my mom to my life, my brother’s life and all the generations to come in our family.

Along with having conviction of your pro-life beliefs, remaining steadfast in your prayer life is important. Spending time with Jesus in prayer and adoration, receiving the sacraments and building your relationship with God will give you all the tools you need to be a disciple of Christ and advocate for life.

The more intimately we know the Lord, the more we can see the dignity and beauty of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Recognizing the worth of every human soul allows us to see and honor others the way Jesus sees and honors us.

God is the author and maker of life, and we are called to be stewards of this priceless gift — to nurture and protect, not destroy and dictate.

May we continue to rise as brave disciples, ready to stand up for our faith, especially when pushback and resistance comes. May God bless and protect you always!

Northwest Catholic — October/November 2022