During Holy Week, Bishop Frank Schuster posted a video to Instagram about why we call the dark day Jesus died Good Friday. In the video, Bishop Schuster is approachable, wise, relatable. He answers a complicated question in a way everyone can understand.

The video sparked an idea among the Northwest Catholic staff: What if Bishop Schuster did a Q&A column? He was game — Thank you, Bishop Schuster! — so we’re giving it a try in this issue. The question he answers is from a real reader email. If you have a question you’d like him to tackle, send it to [email protected].

Speaking of “tackle,” I can’t wait for you to meet Seahawks offensive tackle Abraham Lucas. I love discovering that a player on my team is Catholic and local — a guy who goes to Mass and confession and lives his faith with joy. The importance of Catholicism in his life is inspiring. I hope this story gets in front of lots of teens and young adults and, of course, all those diehard Seahawks fans.

Keep the faith.