One of my favorite places is Chambers Creek Regional Park in Pierce County. Standing on a pier that juts into Puget Sound, I’m surrounded by a vast expanse of blue water and tree-covered hills. The smell of seawater is intoxicating.

Sometimes when I’m there, I wonder if this is what heaven looks like. It’s glorious, and I am in awe of what God can do.

The ecumenical Season of Creation, which is observed by the Catholic Church, is Sept. 1 to Oct. 4. That’s usually a gorgeous time of year here in Western Washington as summer holds on just a little bit. I urge you to praise God for his wondrous works; admire his handiwork in a summer sunset or during a nature walk.

This season is also a good time to pray for our world as well as show appreciation for creation. That could be as small as picking up litter or as big as starting a composting program at your parish.

I’d love to know how you’re honoring the Season of Creation. What’s one thing you do to care for nature or the environment? 

Send your response along with your name, parish and city to [email protected], and your answer might appear in the October/November issue of Northwest Catholic!

This article appeared in the August/September 2024 issue of Northwest Catholic magazine. Read the rest of the issue here.